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Commission Regulation 1253/2014 (Ecodesign of ventilation units) and 1254/2014 (energy labelling of residential ventilation units) sets rules mainly on minimum energy efficiency levels and energy labelling requirements for placing on the market of ventilation units. As per Article 8 of Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 1253/2014 and Article 7 of 1254/2014, the Commission shall review these Regulations in the light of technological progress and shall present the results of the assessment, including, if appropriate, a draft revision proposal, to the Consultation Forum. A study to review these requirements was conducted from February 2019 to September 2020 (that 2020 study can be found here: https://www.ecoventilation-review.eu/index.html).
This follow-up study will: continue the review of the aforementioned two Commission Regulations, respond to feedback received at and following the Consultation Form in March 2021, provide updated draft revised regulations, and input for the accompanying impact assessment.


The aim of the follow up study is to support the Commission with technical expertise for the assessment of the items in Phase 1.1, update the two draft revised Regulations presented at the Consultation Forum meeting of March 2021, and provide input to the preparation/update of the impact assessment report by the Commission services in line with objectives 1 and 2. DG GROW has contracted with ICF to deliver the review study on behalf of the Commission.


The study is structured in two main phases, which cover all the points where technical and economic input is necessary for reviewing the Regulations.

Phase 1.1 – Technical analysis

ICF is supporting the Commission with technical expertise for the detailed assessment of all the comments received at the Consultation Forum meeting of March 2021 and presented as items a-i:

• Concerning residential ventilation units (1254/2014)

a) Product label vs. System label
b) Split label between UVUs and BVUs
c) Product vs. system effects of the revised control factors for the energy label calculations
d) Calculation of the Ventilation performance index

• Concerning non-residential ventilation units (1253/2014)

e) The proposed “new approach” on ηe_nrvu_min and SFPint (known/unknown place of installation)
f) The Eurovent proposal for a general method on the Energy Consumption Evaluation of Air Filters
g) Interplay/synergy with the review of the Ecodesign Regulation 327/2011 on Industrial Fans
h) Interplay/synergy with the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
i) Other stakeholder comments / proposals

Phase 1.2 – Update of the draft Regulations

Based on the findings and conclusions from Phase 1.1, ICF will update the two draft revised regulations presented at the Consultation Forum of March 2021.

Phase 2 – Impact Assessment

Starting from the draft impact assessment report and based on the findings from Phase 1, ICF will deliver an impact assessment study. This will assess the impacts of ventilation units, and model different scenarios of alternative ecodesign and energy labelling policies.


Two meetings are envisaged under this study, including the Consultation Forum:

  • A stakeholder meeting will take place on 1 July, 14:00 – 17:30 CET.
  • The Consultation Forum is planned for 2025 in Brussels.